Snowy Owls Y3
Welcome to Snowy Owls!
'In a world where you can be anything, be kind'
I hope you have all had a nice half-term break.
I can’t wait to see you all on Monday!
We are lucky to have Mrs Grayshon (Monday to Thursday mornings) and Miss Sansom (Friday mornings) as our Teaching Assistants this coming year.
Below is the main information you need to know for the second term.
This term we will carry on with our topic: The Stone Age to the Iron Age. We will continue to discover how life changed for these early hunter-gatherers as we move through the Bronze Age to the Iron Age.
Homework will be given out on a Friday and should be returned by the following Wednesday.
On top of the homework given out on a Friday, it would be great if you could read with your child at least three times per week and sign their reading diaries (they will earn 1 dojo point for every three times they read and have their diaries signed at home.)
Some weeks I will set Times Table Rock Stars as homework. Please let me know if you need your child’s login.
Additional homework will be available on the homework grid. We will display any homework sent in from the homework grid in the classroom.
Spelling tests will be on a Thursday morning.
PE this term will be on a Monday and a Thursday.
Please send your child to school dressed in their PE kit. PE Kits should consist of the following: navy, black or grey bottoms (shorts/ joggers/ PE skirt), white T-Shirt and navy, black or grey warm hoodie/ top if required. They need to come to school in their school shoes and have their trainers to change into for PE. This is so that they have clean shoes in the classroom.
Whole Class Reading:
For our whole class reading we will continue using the book ‘The Last Bear’ by Hannah Gold.
This term we will also use the book to write some exciting letters from April to Granny Apple. We all love reading this book together, which is set in the Arctic. As well as having stunning descriptive language, it is also teaching the children about climate change, melting ice caps, single-use plastic and rubbish in the sea, something I am very passionate about!
When the weather turns this term (hopefully not too soon), please can you make sure your child has outdoor shoes or wellies to change into for break and lunch as well as a waterproof coat every day.
Our cloakroom is very small in Snowy Owls, so please can I ask that the children only bring the essentials to school (book bag, water bottle (water only please) and packed lunch), no big backpacks please.
As the children are now in KS2 they no longer receive a snack at school, so please send them with a healthy snack (fruit or vegetables are ideal) for break time.
Please catch me at the end of the day or contact me via the office ( if you have any questions or there is anything that you need us to know.
Mrs Dickson
Useful Websites
TopmarksFun maths games
TTRockstars Practice your times table skills so that you can become a rockstar!
Stay safe at home. Remember, there is always someone to listen if you do not feel safe. Follow this link to the Childline website:
PSHE Term 2