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Barn Owls Y2

                                                               Happy New Year!

We hope that you have all had a wonderful break and enjoyed some family time.  We would like to thank you for all the extremely generous Christmas gifts and cards you sent us. We are all very touched by your kindness and generosity.  We wish you all an exciting and healthy new year.

Our topic this term is Travel and transport. Here is some information about our timetable, learning and support arrangements for term 3.

Our PE days this term will be Monday and Thursday. Mr Pearce will be teaching you PE on days.  Please come to school wearing your Great Milton P. E kit on both days. A quick reminder that your P. E kit should be navy/ black bottoms and a white t-shirt with a navy/black hoodie or zip jacket. 

Please can you bring in a named water bottle each day especially on P. E days.

Home learning challenges will be sent home in an individual folder on a Friday, and we would like them to be returned by Wednesday please. Along with a home learning challenge, we will send home a few spelling to practise, along with some guidance, the spellings will usually taken from your current phonics work along with some common exception words from the key stage one national curriculum spelling list. We will also add a few resources to support your children with their learning.

We have some staffing changes for term 3 and would like to welcome Miss Nelms, who is joining us on our learning adventure on a Thursday and Friday with Mrs Quartermain supporting us on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. We all feel exceptionally lucky to have the opportunity to work with you and your families again this year. 

Please see the learning grid for this term along with our timetable and supporting documents for extra learning and activities you would like to try.

As always, please get in touch via office email or see me in person if you have anything at all you would like to discuss.

Best wishes

Mrs Bennett, Mrs Quartermain and Miss Nelms


Monster Phonics

Information on Monster Phonics

We are delighted to start this academic year with the launch of our new phonics programme, Monster Phonics.

We are now using Monster Phonics as our main scheme for teaching phonics across the school. 

The children are enjoying highly engaging resources and lessons and joining in with the songs. You will be ale to support your children at home by using the free decodable ebooks.  If you have any problems or need some guidance then please let us know.

Register for Monster Phonics books Follow the link to register for some free online decodable reading books to enjoy with your child.

Introduction to Monster Phonics


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Meet the Monsters! Meet the monsters from our new monster phonics scheme.

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