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Boreal Owls Y4

Welcome back to the summer term!

We hope you've had a restful and enjoyable Easter break. This term there will be a slight change in staffing with Mrs Pinto working from Monday to Wednesday and Mrs Marah working from Thursday to Friday. We've got a lot planned and are looking forward to enjoying some warmer weather!

This is the important information that you need to know for this term:

PE Days - PE days will be Tuesday (rounders with Mrs Pinto) and Thursday (cricket with Mr Pearce) this term. Please come to school dressed in PE kit on those days. Please make sure high standards of PE kit are maintained for these sessions. PE clothing should be plain with no large logos. Please could any children with earrings either remove them on these days before school, be able to remove them independently before the lesson, or bring in suitable tape to cover their earrings. 

Warmer weather - please make sure your child has a water bottle in school every day and on warmer days please apply sun cream in the morning and provide a hat for outdoor play.

Spellings - Spelling tests will continue every Monday morning from Monday 22nd April. Your child will be given a list of spellings to bring home but if they've gone missing they are available to download on this web page - please see below.

Homework - is given out every other Friday and expected back the following Wednesday.  There is also a homework grid for them to choose an activity from.  Any work from here should be completed by the last week of term and brought in then to share. Please note that a homework sheet is only given out once a fornight in order to give the children time to work on their times tables and use TTRS regularly.

Reading - Children should be reading at least three times a week at home and recording it in their reading diary. We ask that a parent can sign this weekly and it will be checked by a teacher every Monday morning. Please let us know if your child is regularly 'forgetting' to bring home their reading book and we will help remind them in school! It's also really important that they value their reading diary and update them regularly with care. 

Class Reading Book - This term we will be reading "The Girl Who Stole an Elephant" by Nizrana Farook. We would be extremely grateful if you could support us by buying a copy for your child to read in whole class reading sessions (currently available for £4.24 second hand on Amazon!) It really does make a huge difference if your child has their own copy to read so that they can see the structure of the text and language used. This is always a voluntary purchase.

School uniform - Please make sure that uniform is always of the highest standard and long hair is tied back. More information can be found on our website under 'Our Parents'.

If you have any questions for either of us or need to speak about anything at all, then please catch us at the end of the day or email the office,

Here's to a sunny summer term!

 Mrs Pinto and Mrs Marah

Useful Website links

Top Marks

BBC Bitesize

Times Tables


Times Tables Rock Stars

Writing Repeater