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E Safety

Our Whole School Approach to E Safety

At Great Milton, we recognise that children and young people use the internet in a different way to adults. We are creating a culture of open dialogue with our children, by showing an interest  and asking questions about their online interests. We want children to be able to speak to us about any concerns they have online, without worrying that we will be judgemental or shocked. Messages about staying safe online are embedded across our curriculum, not only through PSHE and Computing. 

Filtering and Monitoring

We use 'Securely' as our online filtering system. Monitoring reports are reviewed by DSLs in school weekly to allow us to respond to any inappropriate online access if necessary. All staff are trained in how to report harmful online behaviour and can offer advice to parents if the need arises. We hold online safety workshops and send out regular advice to parents. 

The Three Cs of E Safety for parents

Content: Some online content can be hurtful or harmful to children. Live comments or chats can can increase the risk the children. Some information is not true or comes from one side of events. Photos and videos can be edited or inaccurate. 

Conduct: The impact your child’s online behavior has on themselves and others. Be aware of how visible they are on online. Keep personal information private. 

Contact: New friends online may not be who you think they are. Once they are added to an online account, you may be sharing personal information with them. If you have concerns, you must report it.  


Knowledge Is Power! 

Educate yourself about your child's world online. Stay one step ahead! 

Have open conversations about it, just like you do about their 'real world'. 

Establish boundaries: consider a family agreement. Seek your child's consent before posting a picture of them on social media; manage your own screen time as a positive role model.

How to stay safe online Think U Know



Stay safe at home. Remember, there is always someone to listen if you do not feel safe. Follow this link to the Childline website:


'Let all that you do be done in love' 1 Corinthians 16:14   Here at Great Milton C of E Primary School, we cover ICT in every class across a range of different subjects, from data collection to publishing information. We use a variety of methods such as every day office software and small technological…