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Inclusion and SEND

We believe every pupil has an entitlement to develop their full potential. Educational experiences are provided which develop pupils’ achievements and recognise their individuality. Diversity is valued as a rich resource, which supports the learning of all. In this school, we recognise a child’s right to a broad, balanced, relevant and challenging curriculum, which is appropriate to their individual abilities, talents and personal qualities.

Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, Mrs Emma Hughes, is responsible for ensuring that special attention is given to children who experience learning difficulties. Provision varies according to the needs of the individual child.

SEND Coordinator: Mrs Emma Hughes

At Great Milton C of E Primary School, we believe every pupil in our school has an entitlement to develop their true potential. We provide educational experiences which develop pupils’ achievements and recognise their individuality. Diversity is valued as a rich resource which supports the learning of all. In this school, we recognise a child’s right to a broad, balanced, relevant and challenging curriculum which is appropriate to their individual abilities, talents and personal qualities.

Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator, along with the headteacher, is responsible for ensuring that special attention is given to children who experience learning difficulties. Provision varies according to the needs of the individual child.

We provide for children and young people with a wide range of special educational needs including those with:

  • Communication and interaction needs; this includes children who have speech, language and communication difficulties, including autistic spectrum conditions.
  • Cognition and Learning needs; this includes children who have learning difficulties and specific learning difficulties like dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia.
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs; this includes children who may have behavioural difficulties relating to emotion conditions such as anxiety or depression.
  • Sensory and/or Physical needs; this includes children who have visual or hearing needs, or a physical disability that affects their learning.

Teachers are responsible for the progress of all children and lessons are differentiated to ensure success and progress for everyone. Teachers encourage and support children to have a ‘growth mindset’ and to develop skills in independence, resourcefulness and resilience. Resources such as writing frames, word banks, specific ICT software and practical maths apparatus help children to increase their confidence and enable them to become independent learners.

Please read on to find out more information about our provision for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). 

General Oxfordshire SEN Information for Parents

If you’d like impartial advice from Oxfordshire’s SENDIASS (formerly Parent Partnership) contact

If you’d like to know more about opportunities for children and young people with SEN and their families, support groups or information about SEN these are listed in the Family Information Directory:

Oxfordshire’s Local Offer contains lots of information for parents. Click here to see it: