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Loving to Learn

What is a Growth Mindset?

Growth mindset is an evidence-based approach to helping children be confident learners.

The theory of Growth Mindset is based on developing a positive mental attitude and approach to learning.

fixed mindset comes from a belief that intelligence and talent are fixed and that talent is more important than effort for achievement.

growth mindset is rooted in research which shows that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. This positive mental attitude helps to foster both an interest in learning and resilience against setbacks; both are essential for achievement. 

Growth mindset research also highlights the high number of people with these qualities who have achieved a high level of success in life.

Independent research into growth mindset by the Education Endowment Foundation show that the approach has a positive impact on teaching and learning, emphasising the crucial importance of implementation strategies - knowing about it is not enough. 

Here are just a few things that you can do to help your child develop a growth mindset:

  • Foster curiosity and critical thinking
  • Create challenges and opportunities
  • Use language and activities that promote thinking skills and debate, rather than ‘right or wrong’ answers
  • Value the process of learning - not just the end result
  • Develop a problem-solving approach
  • Promote a positive, nurturing learning environment, free from criticism. 

The Power of Yet